SPharma Platform


The platform combines the most advanced Web 3 and AI, so user information will be secure. Besides, this will be an important platform for SPharma, allowing sellers to sell their products and buyers to find the right products quickly. In addition, information about use cases is continuously aggregated. When a product search action arises from a customer, the system will give advice, a list of suitable products, and the most objective assessment.


An important part of a social network dedicated to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, this place will store customers' personal information, share opinions and above all find business opportunities from products they have experienced.

ID (Member Loyalty)

A mechanism to encourage customers to participate in the distributor's business. Each successful order with feedback will be scored, which can be rewarded with SPharma tokens or will be incentives in the next shopping or activities in the ecosystem.

CRM (Marketing & Sale)

Sales and communication management platform allows business people to operate more easily and ensure transparency in the process. Some of the key features include:

· Revenue management, cash flow statistics

· Payment connection system

· Evaluate business performance

· Process control

· Business strategy consulting

HRD (HR & Training)

The course system is synthesized from real cases, and for the first time, the entire course will be taught directly using AI technology. Real and imagined cases will be re-created, and the system will always have solutions that are highly applicable and serve as a point of reference.


This system has the function of controlling all activities related to information, content of electronic news, press releases, or media files, reducing management time and making it easier to manage information. Moreover, with the higher features of SPharma, the information will be effectively filtered to fully proactively match the search rate of customers. This helps businesses quickly reach the right audience and produce the necessary content.

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