Business Model

SPharma created the concept of "Social Business," that is, taking advantage of community channels to connect communities from different regions to participate in business at the same time. We believe this is the future for any business model that wants to thrive in the current technological age.

SPharma will connect business units to the community through the community channel network through the development of AI. SPharma's revenue comes from successful orders when customers' needs are met, and a part will be deducted to reward business units, encouraging them to create more value and continuously improve in the future. products and service processes.

B2C Model

Through the development of AI, SPharma will connect business units to the community through the community channel network. SPharma's revenue comes from successful orders when customers' needs are met, and a part will be deducted to reward business units, encouraging them to create more value and continuously improve their products and service processes.

B2B Model

SPharma uses an intermediary B2B model to create more ways to facilitate the business of partner units when units can link together and create a complementary cooperation network and develop together.

Last updated